Disaster Planning

Disaster Planning is often overlooked by those who own and manage buildings. We often hear “we
have never had a major event in our facility”. What we have found is that many of the responses we
make for large loss projects often “never had a major event” either. It is easy to say, however we know
that sometimes a few simple steps at the time of a loss by facilities or maintenance personnel, or by
other occupants may have prevented other damages to occur. Ensuring the safety of the occupants
is absolutely paramount. However, once that is assured, are there steps that can be taken to prevent
further loss? Maverick Restoration has the experienced staff that can help. The knowledge that has
been gained by responding to other losses can help develop the right type of Disaster Plan that can help
minimize the exposure to the risks that a facility may face, whether it be from fire, flood, tornadoes,
earthquakes, hurricanes etc.